“And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.” (Matthew 2:12)  I’m intrigued by the final verse of the story of the “wise men.”  We of course tend to focus on the dream which kept them from revealing Jesus’ location to the evil King Herod.  Still, what might be even more important for us is that final phrase, “they left for their own country by another road.”  This speaks to one of the fundamental truths of our faith: any encounter with Jesus means that we are pushed out and on to different roads.  You really can’t meet Jesus and ever go back to business as usual.  In this new year of 2020, what new roads are you willing to take as a disciple?  Are there new ministries that Christ is calling you to support?  Are there some places in your life, be they financial or otherwise, which need a fresh start?  Whatever the case, always remember this: Christ goes before us!  Have a great week and a great year.