“So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him.” (Gen. 12:4a) As we continue to follow Jesus through this season of Lent, we meet one of the first followers of God: Abram.  Abram is often referred to as the “father of the faithful” because of his willingness to leave a known and comfortable place in order to follow God into the unknown.  We all do the same in different ways if we really want to follow Jesus.  All of us are called out of our “comfort zones” into places unknown.  It really isn’t a matter of “if” but of “when” and “where.”  I have to admit that when I was in seminary, I never could have imagined all the places that Christ would call me.  How about you?  Where/when has Jesus called you into a “new land?”  As I write this, the Memphis Annual Conference is heading towards a new land of apportionments.  As I write this, the Tennessee Annual Conference is heading in a new way to think about districts.  We can’t see the end results of either of those two journeys, but we do know this: as we look to the Lord, he will get us to where we need to be.  And we may not be called to that place for our own comfort, but it could well be that we are called there so others may come to know the truth of our loving God  Throughout this week, I’d like to challenge you to pray and ask God this: where are the new areas to which you are being called to walk?