“Anyone who claims to know something does not yet have the necessary knowledge; but anyone who loves God is known by him” (I Corinthians 8:2-3).  I have spent a good deal of time in both learning and teaching.  And my education continues, as I’m sure so does yours.  It’s good to know things; it’s good to have the right answers.  For instance, I wish I knew exactly how the markets will perform in 2018!  That would be really good (and profitable!) to know.  But Paul reminds us that far more important than knowing is being known.  Especially, it is most important to be known by God.  God knows you and God loves you.  Thank about that for a moment when you are tempted to judge another or yourself.  Our knowledge always remains incomplete, but not so for our Lord.  On your good days and on your bad days, you are known and loved.  And as good as it might be to say where the stock markets will be in December, it is far more important to know that you are loved by the God who created you.  In the light of that therefore, how are you and I called to treat one another?