Greetings in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who is, and was, and is to come.
I’m sure you’ve used the following phrases before to describe someone: “They have the heart of …” or “They have a heart for…”. The word or phrase that completes them varies from person to person. Successful athletes, such as decorated Olympians have the heart of a champion. Someone who has a sacrificial nature or always seems to act with pure intentions has a heart of gold. A person who takes in stray cats or dogs has a heart for animals. A veteran who served with honor and dedication would be recognized as having a heart for their country.
Scripture uses the heart as a source of measuring intentions and loyalty, even if the actions of a person fall short of lofty expectations. In 1 Samuel 13, God is considering who might follow Saul as king. When referencing David as the prime candidate, he is described as “a man after God’s own heart”. Yet when he was given power and authority, David demonstrated in various ways that he could not keep his heart focused on a morally straight path. After his disastrous affair with Bathsheba, which was layered with lust, conspiracy, murder, and deceit, the prophet Nathan confronted King David, who in Psalm 51 was reduced to asking God to “Create in me a clean heart and put a new and right spirit within me.”
In Matthew 6, Jesus offers a warning that even when God blesses us to a point of mutual joy and delight we will still give in to the temptation to give away some measure of our hearts for something trivial, wasteful, and unclean. “‘Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21 NRSV)
In the present age, it takes courage and strength to give your heart to God. Even the most devoted disciple of Jesus will face moments of ridicule and judgement, both from other Christians and from non-believers.
People may leave their faith or their church because their heart just isn’t in it anymore. Often, we feel we have given our best and we have tried our hardest, but when our hearts have been stepped on repeatedly, we feel our efforts are in vain.
But God sees the heart of the matter. God see who we are. The results of our labor may not bear fruit in a way that we get to receive the blessings. The harvest from the very seeds God has planted, and we worked so hard to help grow and nurture, may not become healthy examples of compassion, mercy, and grace so we can feel fulfilled. We often think, does anyone care? Does faith really matter? Why were my efforts not enough to make a positive difference?
At the heart of the matter is this…faith is often living for days we may not see. Think of the labors of those who went before us…family, friends, leaders, unsung heroes and heroines. The sacrifice and humbleness of heart to be the silent builder of a hope that someone else will benefit from. Perhaps this is the beauty of having a heart for Christ. It is not the beauty we are used to. It is not the beauty we can possess…it is the fruit of a humble heart who gives, so that in some way others may live.
You might recall the lyrics of a worship song from several decades ago. Twila Paris is the songwriter of “How Beautiful”, which contain these words in part…“How beautiful when humble hearts give the fruit of pure lives so that others may live.”
May we have faith to see that the hope we give to others is indeed a sharing in the building of the Kingdom of God. May we be willing to find fulfillment in the often ignored, unseen, unappreciated acts of service a person with a heart for Christ is willing to offer. As Christ did for us, may we do for others.
Serving Christ, serving you,
Rev. Dr. David O. Weatherly
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