I have heard variations over the years of a quote that says, “The end of something is actually the edges of what has been and what will be…” In some ways January is a month with two edges. The conclusion of 2024 is also the edge of the emergence of 2025. Elements of each overlap as we work to complete one while leaning into the other. It is also a good time to celebrate blessings and successes, to claim the lessons learned from mistakes and shortcomings, and then send what’s left through the shredder! Above all…we must give thanks to God for the entirety of it. Even in moments of disappointment and distress, God shows up in powerful ways we instantly recognize, and in what comes into focus through the 20/20 vision of hindsight.

2024 was a remarkable year in the life of the United Methodist Foundation & Development Fund for the TWKC. There were LOTS of changes, which also meant there were lots of edges. We saw the end of eleven faithful, profitable years of shepherding by Rev. Dr. Phil Jamieson as our President/CEO. The opportunity to follow him in this position is one I continue to give thanks for as I look forward to the second half of my first year.

Our Foundation is presently managing assets that total just over $97,000,000, the largest in our approximately 75-year history. Our profitable relationship with The Colony Group has seen a combined average growth of 7.5% over the past twenty-two years of our portfolio. During that time, even in the six instances when we finished with a negative rate of annual return, the losses were recovered and surpassed within 12-18 months.

The Development Fund’s 2024 Grant Program for Capital Improvements and Renovations distributed $387,441.72 to forty-six churches, extension ministries, and missional partners in the TWKC. We look forward to offering future grants to address such needs, and many others.

We also recognize that in 2024 the Development Fund offered the 125th loan since the first was approved in 1992. In those thirty-three years, a total of $39,833,966.33 has been made available to local churches and missional partners in support of their Christian witness in the Wesleyan spirit. The largest loan was for just over $3.9 million, while the smallest was for $6,500. No loan has ever failed to be paid in full.

Looking ahead, 2025 is filled with hope and promise. Our Conference, under the leadership of Bishop David Graves, is focused on ministering to people and communities, seeking new and creative, Spirit-filled ways to share the love of Christ. The Foundation and Development Fund for the TWKC continues to be efficiently and effectively administrated by Sara Finger and Tiffany Ford. Rev. Dr. David Comperry is our always reliable Field Staff Representative. We each stand ready to meet the needs of local churches and missional partners across the spectrum of the Methodism. We give thanks for your trust in partnering with us. We pledge to be faithful stewards of these resources, knowing they represent a vital component of God’s blessing through the grace-infused efforts of the many congregations and community ministries we are privileged to serve.

May 2025 truly be the Year of the Lord’s Favor!

The Rev. Dr. David O. Weatherly