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“Healing & Hope…”
Greetings in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who is, and was, and is to come. I hope the Year of our Lord 2025 is off to a good start for you. We are eighteen days in and as I scan the list of appointments, local church and missional agency visits, and preaching engagements [...]
Why Be Normal?
I don’t know when “normal” stopped being its usual self, but it seems like life just hasn’t felt very normal in quite a while. As we transition to a new year, I’ve been reflecting on what transpired in 2024 and projecting what 2025 might bring. In doing so, I’ve discovered that perhaps things are actually [...]
“Pioneers following God’s Holy Way…”
The last few days of 2024 were filled with media stories, tributes, and programs covering the life and legacy of James Earl Carter, Jr. “Jimmy” Carter served one term as the 39th President of the United States, and was a centenarian when he died on December 29th. I came across one such program on PBS, [...]
“A short question, with a lifetime of answers…”
Last week the reminder was given that as we approach the manger, we must not only appreciate the serenity of the moment as we sing “Silent Night” and hold our candle. We must also “pick the baby Jesus up”! Spiritually, we bring Jesus to our chest, into our hearts, and let Him create, change, or [...]
Pick that baby up!
Perhaps you have heard the challenge to “Be the change you want in the world”. Have you ever been presented with exactly what was needed to enact a much-needed change, but you just couldn’t pick it up? All you could do was admire it, analyze it, but you just couldn’t claim it for yourself. Change [...]
The One who makes us kin…
Recently I came across a video recorded by someone sitting waaaaaay up high in the endzone at a University of Tennessee home football game. Neyland stadium was packed, and as the camera panned the crowd of over one hundred thousand orange-clad Vol fans, they began singing “Rocky Top”. At the bottom of the video was [...]
Whose Silence Are You?
If you were rendered silent for approximately nine to ten months, what would you do with the silence? As a part of your Advent devotional time, I invite you to read the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke. There you will find the story of a priest named Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth. They [...]
Getting Ready
Advent is the beginning of the Christian liturgical year. More than just ''getting ready for Christmas" it's a season of spiritual discipline and reflection in preparation for celebrating the Incarnation, the coming of Jesus, the Word made flesh, into human history. Traditionally, the church challenges us to focus upon scriptures that emphasize the need for God to do [...]
Don’t Forget to Remember to be Thankful…
Creative writing is something I’ve always enjoyed. Nowadays it’s confined mainly to devotionals like what you are reading now. For the previous twenty-four years, my creative writing was focused on crafting the substance for worship elements such as sermons, prayers, and liturgy. I’ve never written a book or a song, but there is one common [...]
How does your internal growth align with your external efforts?
This past Sunday I had the pleasure of spending the morning with the good people of Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Franklin, TN. I was graciously invited to preach during their season of emphasis on stewardship. It’s that time of the year! It was a joy to be a part of their two morning worship [...]