Perhaps you have heard the challenge to “Be the change you want in the world”. Have you ever been presented with exactly what was needed to enact a much-needed change, but you just couldn’t pick it up? All you could do was admire it, analyze it, but you just couldn’t claim it for yourself.
Change is usually preferred when we initiate it and believe we can control the outcome. This of course is an extremely rare scenario, especially if it involves other people, mother nature, or when we think we can manipulate what God may be doing. It is also human nature to claim control over smaller changes and leave the seemingly miraculous tasks exclusively or solely to God. When we pray for a miracle, we should first consider if we are desiring a change seemingly so big or impossible that it’s beyond our ability to enact or complete. That might be true, but that doesn’t mean God isn’t inviting or empowering us to be a part of the process.
As we look ahead to Christmas week, I challenge us to remember in the midst of shopping for the perfect gift or attending festive holiday social events, to claim that which is most sacred when it is presented…the coming of Christ.
By this I mean PICK THAT BABY UP! Draw Him to your chest…look into His face…open your heart to Him… answer the invitation to be a part of the ongoing and Holy Change that is The Coming of the Kingdom of God. If you have a nativity scene out in your home, or see one at church or in a neighbor’s front yard, don’t leave the baby in the manger…pick Him up…and answer God’s invitation to be a part of the miracle of Christmas.
Who among us has held a newborn baby and NOT felt something deeply unique, deeply personal, deeply awe-inspiring…and yes, somewhat nerve wracking?!?! I would say NO ONE! It’s impossible! A newborn represents new life, new hope, new possibilities, a new generation, God’s next and new creation! I realize I’m not talking about a physical baby…but you can still pick Him up with your heart and answer God’s call to be the change you want in the world.
Change is a big part of almost every story, parable, conversation, sermon, and miracle Jesus ever said, engaged, offered, or performed. Rarely did anyone encounter Jesus without having some aspect of their lives, their perspective, or their mental, physical, or spiritual health transformed. Those who didn’t tended to be the ones who did not yet have open and willing eyes, ears, hearts, and minds to see, hear, receive, or understand just how Jesus was trying to bless them, heal them, or offer them a pathway into the Kingdom of Heaven. They are the ones who left Jesus in the manger. They are the ones who would not pick Him up.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. (Luke 2:11-12 KJV)
Don’t leave Him there…pick Him up!
See you at the manger!
Rev. Dr. David O. Weatherly
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